Giving thanks

Giving thanks

We are into our 17th year at Neutral Bay Health & Wellbeing and I am so grateful to all our lovely clients. I am thrilled that daughters and sons of our clients now come for treatments.

I want to take a moment or two to acknowledge some beautiful mothers and their daughters.

Liz first came to Neutral Bay Health & Wellbeing 11 years ago when her daughter Margie was a 9 year old schoolgirl.

Now at 20 the stunning Margie also looks after herself with Massage and Osteo treatments.

Almost 15 years ago Lorna came to me for Massage. Her daughter Erin was a cute little two year old.

Now Erin is a beautiful 17 year old and has learned some valuable lessons from her mum about looking after herself and the importance of relaxation. She, too, comes for Massage.


Kath came to see Rati Howley, our Osteopath. She has since brought along her gorgeous daughter, Emily.

Both have also benefited from seeing Natalie Wareham, our Kinesiologist, and myself for Massage and Nutritional Cleansing.
These are only a few of our beautiful mother/daughter clients. There are many more – you know who you are!

Today we give thanks and honour all our long term clients. Thank you for your loyal support.

~  Rosie