Energetic healing

Be Free… Unlock the Wisdom of Your Chakras

Chakras are the main energy centres of our body, thoughts and feelings.. Each chakra stimulates specific parts of the body and impacts our outlook on life. We can nourish and support these in many ways


Our natural state of being is perfect health, happiness and harmony.

When our chakras are in perfect balance life is fun, joyful, stress and worry free. We may feel like we are flowing with  life, rather than pushing against the tide. When life throughs challenges on our path the chakras can be pushed and pulled. That’s when it is time to energise them and get back on track.

The chakras are recognised across many cultures and practices such as yoga, meditation, Reiki and energy healing. These chakras are energy vortexes that can be seen and felt by people utilising their clairvoyant and clairsentient abilities.

Lets look at the 7 major chakras, what they represent and how you can support them.


BASE CHAKRA – Home. Money. Family.

Connect to nature strengthens a sense of saftey

A healthy base chakra helps us to feel safe in our life choices.

It relates to our thoughts and feelings about family, work, money, home – our fundamental needs. When these areas are healthy and feel supported, the base chakra is balanced. We may feel at secure, able to create an abundant life that meets our financial and material needs and desires. We trust people and trust the world. Our physical health is good. The bond with our family is strong. We enjoy a healthy connection to humanity and community. We are doing a job that we enjoy. We gain a true sense of  belonging to our environment and the world. The Base Chakra is positioned at the perineum / tail bone.

5 Signs your Base Chakra needs healing

  1. Disputes with family, property and money.
  2. Challenges obtaining work, dissatisfaction in your current role, or ambition driven by fear.
  3. An inability to focus, poor discipline, lethargic.
  4. Restlessness, escapism, moving or travelling frequently.
  5. IBS, over eating, addiction to material security, greed & hoarding.

Easy Healing Tips for the Base

  • Connect with the Earth, Garden without gloves. Get your fingers into the soil.
  • Take off your shoes and socks and squeeze your toes in the mud!
  • Address any financial concerns.
  • Connect with family in healthy ways that support you.

SACRAL CHAKRA – Creativity. Sensuality. Boundaries.

water is the elementof the sacral chakra

When the sacral chakra is strong, we enjoy good relationships with friends, colleagues and neighbours. We are comfortable in our sensuality and creativity. We may find it easy to let go of the need to hold on to or control situations. We feel free to have fun, experience joy. We are comfortable receiving from others and practice the ability to give to oneself without guilt.  It is the home of our confident, sexual expression.

It is ethereally located four finger widths below belly button. It effects the lower intestine, kidney, bladder, female reproductive system, lower back, sacrum, pelvis, wrists and ankles.


6 Signs your Sacral Chakra needs healing

  1. Painful menstruation, fibroids or lower back problems
  2. Injury or RSI to the wrists or ankles
  3. Dominant and controlling at work, when feeling out of control at home (or visa versa).
  4. Re-accruing challenges with neighbours, colleagues or friendships. Boundaries are few.
  5. Fear of being creative or sharing ideas
  6. Experience sexual shame or uncomfortable about sexuality.


Easy Healing Tips for the Sacral

  • Sing in the shower or sit by running water – waterfall or ocean and imagine it filling your lower back
  • Wear orange – especially around your hips and lower back
  • Get a large piece of paper and crayons or pastels and let your feelings be expressed in colour and markings.


SOLAR PLEXUS – Confidence. Courage. Determination.

Energise your confidence and passion for life with sunset gazing

There is nothing gentle about the Solar Plexus. It’s the fire in our belly! It is how we feel about everything, especially ourselves.

It is the centre of our inner power, confidence, self-esteem, courage, inner drive, enthusiasm. We feel we have the power to be effective and in control of our life.

It is also the centre of our intuition, clairsentience (psychic ability to feel) and gut instinct.

Located at the physical solar plexus, just beneath the diaphragm. It effects the solar plexus, liver, spleen, adrenals, nervous system, stomach, gall bladder, intestine, abdomen, digestive system, elbows and knees.


5 Signs your Solar Plexus needs healing

  1. Worry constantly and seeing the negative side of every situation.
  2. Digestive problems, knee and elbow injuries, adrenal fatigue.
  3. Easily feel fear, anger, frustration, resentment, depression,  manipulation, intolerant of self and others.
  4. Feel empowered when arguing or overpowering someone else.
  5. Taking the values of others as our own, feeling weak, helpless, depressed, withdrawn.


Solar Plexus Healing Tips

  • Burn lemon essential oil
  • Keep an journal and honestly express positive and negative feelings.
  • Watch the sunrise and / or sunset cross the horizon.


HEART CHAKRA –  Love. Compassion. Forgiveness.

Air is the element of the heart chakra

Our centre of love and forgiveness. When our heart is enriched with energy – compassion, empathy, kindness and forgiveness comes easily. It is the centre where we find inner peace   and in our environment. We hold a genuine love and caring for others, enjoy self love. We may feel a devotion to ourselves, those around us. We relate to our life as a journey that we lead with our hearts – sometimes called our path.  Love is given and received equally. Follow your heart’s desires, your path, inner freedom.

Located at the centre of the chest in line with Heart, it effects the physical heart, lungs, breasts, mid back, shoulders, shoulder blades, blood sugar levels, cholesterol.

Spiritual It is the centre of our chakras, where the lower chakras meet the upper chakras. Balancing our spiritual aspect (crown) with our practical, earthly lives (Base).


5 Signs your Heart may want extra love

  1. Heart conditions, high blood levels, cholesterol, diabetes, angina
  2. Experiencing deep sadness or grief.
  3. Unable to connect in loving, respectful relationships.
  4. Choose love partners that are harsh or lack compassionate.
  5. Feel apathetic about the future, feel stuck.


Easy Healing Tips for the Heart

  • Do at least one loving thing yourself each day.
  • Smell roses. Add a few drops of rose oil to your bath.
  • Wear pink or green.


THROAT CHAKRA – Expression. Truth. Ideas.

crown chakra- meditation spirituality

It is our centre of expression, communication, creativity, resonance, the voice, speaking your truth, healthy discussion, active listening, the ability to hear others. Expressing your creativity – dance, song, painting, the Arts.

Located at the throat beneath the Adams apple. It effects the throat, oesophagus, tonsils, tongue, gums, neck, ears, nose, mouth, sinuses, thyroid gland.

It is also the centre for our clairaudience, the ability to hear spiritual messages from our angels, spirit guides,loved ones and our inner guidance.


5 Signs your Throat Chakra needs healing

  1. Fear of speaking in groups or one on one.
  2. Recurring infections / inflammations in the throat. Neck injuries.
  3. Feeling or fearing judgement and rejection, hold back from expressing your feelings or ideas
  4. Talking over others and not able to listen to others.
  5. Verbal criticism of self & others.


 Throat Chakra Healing Tips

  • Sing
  • Drink lots of water. Wear blue cyan.
  • Journal ideas and feelings before sharing with others. Confide in a friend or counsellor

THIRD EYE CHAKRA – Perspective. Possibilities. Choice.

third eye chakra views all positbilities and choice

How we view our world is effected by how clear our third eye is. When it’s balanced we are; open-minded, focused, able to see others point of view without the need to defend our own. We feel inspired. We see solutions to problems, see our whole self (including our darker side) as perfect. We have no judgement or criticism for ourselves or others. We trust our intuition. We experience clear and / or colourful visualisations.

The Third eye is the centre of our clairvoyance (the ability to see spiritual imagery), premonitions and dreams.

Located at the centre of forehead, it effects the brain, the brow, forehead, back of the head and pituitary gland.

5 Signs your Third Eye needs balancing

  1. Difficulty concentrating. Easily confused.
  2. Migraines and headaches.
  3. Difficulty seeing solutions to problems.
  4. Feel judged. Feel threatened by others opinions.
  5. Critical of ourselves and others.


Healing tips for the Third Eye

  • Keep a dream journal.
  • Practice mindfulness. Observe the finer details in your environment.
  • Keep an open mind to different possibilities.


CROWN CHAKRA – Spirituality. Wellbeing.

spirituality meditation

The Crown Chakra is the doorway to bring the love of your spirit in to your heart. Here, you feel at one with yourself and the world around you, needing nothing. When balance we release the need to over intellectualise, staying open to our higher source of knowledge and wisdom

Located at the top of your head, it effects the skull and hair.

The crown chakra is the connection to our spiritual wellbeing. It connects us to our spirit guides, angels, totem animals and all aspect of spiritual family.

When our Crown, Heart & Base chakras are in harmony, we open the doorway of spirit into the heart, following our hearts purpose on this earth plane in this lifetime.


3 Hints your Crown Chakra needs healing

  1. Over intellectualising.
  2. Feeling separation from your spirit.
  3. Disassociation from the body.
  4. Over intellectualising
  5. Rigid belief systems, spiritual cynicism.


Healing tips for the Crown

  • Meditate – try different styles to find the one that suits you.
  • Have fun asking your angels for a parking space on a regular basis.
  • Pick a daily oracle card.


  • Samantha Avery is a Spiritual Healer and Reiki Master Teacher practicing in Neutral Bay Health and Wellbeing. Samantha is passionate about supporting her clients emotional, mental and spiritual health to lead a life that in in line with their truth, happiness and fulfilment. She shares workshops and class on the Chakra system, Meditation, and Reiki Healing for beginners to advanced.

Is there a Workplace Bully in your office?

Corporate banker, Emma Osborne, started to hate going to work.

She would go to bed Sunday night dreading the first day back at work and wake up feeling anxious about what lay ahead.

Emma is one of many Australians to experience workplace bullying. She never knew what form it would take, but was aware that for the last couple of years a senior colleague had progressively worn her down, making her feel that she could never do anything right.

Typically this colleague would pick her to be included in a team for projects and then sit next to her in the open plan office, looking over her shoulder and constantly checking and criticising her work throughout the day.

The colleague would undermine her decisions in front of co-workers, steal the credit for work she did, and try to sabotage her efforts at every turn.

How bullying affected Emma

When Emma came to see me she was drained of energy and confidence.

She had come to believe there must be something wrong with her! I told her that this is a common reaction among people who have been bullied for a period of time – it’s because bullying breaks down a person’s resistance and they start to feel more and more inadequate in every aspect of their life. This in turn often makes them a target for more bullying.

Confidence restored

Within a couple of weeks of working together, Emma had gained the confidence to report the bullying to her workplace.

The happy end result was that the bully was removed from her post and Emma took up a promotion, removing her from the presence of the bully and bringing fulfilment back to her work and life. She made extraordinary progress because she was able to learn to clear her old beliefs that she wasn’t good enough and replace them with a new strength and energy to turn her life around.

Anti bullying techniques

If you’ve been bullied, you’ll know that it takes a lot of energy and emotion to stand up for yourself.

So this is what I work on with clients – building their emotional, psychological and spiritual energy to put them in a position of strength. Often people think they don’t have a choice; that they must put up with being picked on because it’s out of their control.

The reality is that you do have a choice. Here are some of the techniques I use to show clients that they have the right not to be bullied.

1) Understand your rights. Universal law states that nothing can happen to your energy unless you allow it. State your boundaries: “I do not allow negative people to affect my energy”. The bully will sense this and initially try harder to catch you off guard but with regular practice, your statement will build up your resistance.

2) Clear your energy of bully toxins. When under attack, energetic cords are created from the attacker to the victim. Each day imagine cutting these cords with a samurai sword – removing all connections.

3) Don’t allow the bully to take your power. Bullies are insecure, and like vampires they drain their victims dry to feel better about themselves. Allowing the bully to take your power is not only disempowering you, but also the bully, for they will never experience true strength of their own.

4) Strengthen your boundaries. Keep your energy clear and strengthen your resistance. Each day use a simple, yet powerful breathing technique to clear and strengthen your energetic boundary, such as the Auric Cleanse & Energiser.

5) Strengthen your resolve. Know what your weaknesses are and strengthen them. Bullies press your weak buttons. What positive action is this situation forcing you to address?

Article written by Samantha Avery

Samantha Avery is a Sydney Reiki Master, psychic and clairvoyant. She has helped many clients overcome issues of workplace bullying using holistic treatments like Reiki, meditation, mindfulness, energy healings and relaxation. She is available to help you.

Call the Centre to make an appointment on 9953 8503.

Raise Your Vibration

Did you know by raising your vibration you can become lighter of heart, think more clearly, enjoy better health, exude enthusiasm and develop a personal magnetism?

Introducing Karen Bowller, Intuitive Energy Guide

karen-bowller1LRKaren has been offering regular evening courses at the Centre since July 2013. She is now available to see clients on a one-on-one basis during the day.

Karen is passionate about helping people express what’s in their hearts and is now available for appointments. A session with Karen can include:

  • one-one coaching
  • short meditations
  • working with crystals or
  • vibrational energy balancing

Call us on 9953 8503 to book a personal session with Karen.